
Morality: Old and New

Back in the 1960’s, when rock ‘n roll lost it’s Happy Days innocence and “free-loving” hippies shocked the world, we began to hear the expression, “the new morality”; a term imagined to bestow some sort of legitimacy on sexual promiscuity.  This frank rejection of God’s law became so widespread in our society that soon, the…

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Deliverance For The Wretched Man

Before reading on, please take a moment to read Romans 7:7-25 Even though the Bible records the failings of its heroes, we are still in danger of putting them on a pedestal, forgetting that these too were only sinners saved by grace.  This is one of the reasons why we have the apostle Paul speaking…

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Sometimes, we just need to escape. When the mental or emotional load gets to a certain point, we feel the impulse to watch a DVD or pick up a book that will transport us away to another world and another life.  From the gentle romances of Jane Austen to the page-turning adventures of Stevenson or…

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A Word About Christmas

I enjoy Christmas. I enjoy preaching on the birth of Christ, and there is a special pleasure in singing the old carols which celebrate the coming of Hope to our hopeless world.  I love getting together with loved ones, and the giving of gifts.  Yet there are many genuine believers who consider celebrating Christmas to…

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“In Christ”

Most religions which imagine God as a person propose a relationship with Him which reflects the kind of  relationships that humans have with each other.  The relationship may be that of master and slave, or parent and child, but in every case, the worshiper  remains separate and distinct from God Himself.  However, the true believer…

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The Colour Of Love

If you had to select the most important word in all of human language, what would that word be?  It seems to me that that word would have to be Love, for to be loved is mankind’s constant necessity from the cradle to the grave.  It is an unhappy thing to be poor and hungry,…

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Escaping From Myself

It was years ago now, but I still remember a certain Sunday morning when one of the elders of our church was preaching.  He was a very colourful brother who was addressing in his own unique way some issue that lay heavy on his heart.  What that issue was, I have long since forgotten, but…

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Our Sovereign God

Perhaps I should have written this article 12 months ago, before we began preaching through John’s Gospel on Sunday mornings.  I say this because we are now mid-way through the sixth chapter, and from here on, this book which most Christians feel they know so well says things that many professing believers refuse to accept. …

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