Welcome to Faith Baptist Church, Northcote, Auckland.

Services: 9:30am All Ages Sunday School: 10:30 and 5:30pm Worship

About Faith Baptist Church - Northcote, Auckland

Faith Baptist Church was founded in the early 1980’s under the ministry of Dr Gerry Webber, a Church-planting missionary to whom we owe a lasting debt for establishing Faith on sound principles as an independent, Bible-based Baptist church that recognizes Christ only as her head.

Our current pastor is Paul MacKinnon, whom the church called to this office early in 1996. He and his wife, Liz have three adult children. Like all local churches, FBC has developed her own character over the years, although she is still the same friendly place, and the Bible still has an absolutely central place in the worship of God. We are still ardent Baptists, which is to say we believe that the Bible teaches believer’s baptism, and that only believers, scripturally baptized by immersion can be church members. Also, as historic Baptists, we believe that the pastor and deacons of the local church are directly accountable to the congregation, who take an active part in governing the church. We endeavour, with God’s help to maintain a teaching ministry at Faith which is a true a reflection of His Word. Accountability for our sins, and the free offer of the Gospel to all men is emphasized while the unconditional sovereignty of His grace is not compromised.

Regarding worship, we believe it to be a heart-felt response to what God reveals about Himself in scripture, and not merely a mystical experience. Concerning outreach, we are committed to supporting foreign missionary work as well as reaching those in our immediate neighbourhood, believing both to be a matter of obedience to Christ’s great commission. You will find our meetings anything but complicated. We desire to worship our Lord and Saviour in simplicity, as He leads us to the glorious truths found in His Word, the Bible. Indeed, some of our ways may seem a little old-fashioned to you, but we believe that getting caught up in the constant pursuit of something new to satisfy unspiritual, jaded appetites is a futile exercise that only distracts Christians from the priorities of God in these crucial times. We would love to have you with us this Sunday.

Recent Articles from Matters of Faith

Morality: Old and New

Back in the 1960’s, when rock ‘n roll lost it’s Happy Days innocence and “free-loving” hippies shocked the world, we began to hear the expression, “the new morality”; a term imagined to bestow some sort of legitimacy on sexual promiscuity.  This frank rejection of God’s law became so widespread in our society that soon, the…

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Deliverance For The Wretched Man

Before reading on, please take a moment to read Romans 7:7-25 Even though the Bible records the failings of its heroes, we are still in danger of putting them on a pedestal, forgetting that these too were only sinners saved by grace.  This is one of the reasons why we have the apostle Paul speaking…

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Sometimes, we just need to escape. When the mental or emotional load gets to a certain point, we feel the impulse to watch a DVD or pick up a book that will transport us away to another world and another life.  From the gentle romances of Jane Austen to the page-turning adventures of Stevenson or…

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